Pre-Order This Stunning 8Bitdo Retro Mechanical Keyboard Now To Secure It Early

It's definitely got a touch of the NES in the styling.

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This keyboard should have 30-somethings teary-eyed with nostalgia.
This keyboard should have 30-somethings teary-eyed with nostalgia.
Image: Jason Coles

A good keyboard is worth its weight in clicky-clacks, and this 8Bitdo Retro Mechanical Keyboard is likely to be an incredible keyboard in every respect. Aside from looking like it’s been made out of old NES consoles, it also comes with dual-super programmable buttons, has two wireless options and can be wired, and supports 8Bitdo custom software mapping.

8Bitdo Retro Mechanical Keyboard | $100

The 8Bitdo Retro Mechanical Keyboard is currently only on pre-order, with it releasing September 20th this year, but spending that money now means you’ll be buying yourself a present in the future. That’s the kind of positivity we should all get behind. 
